Kangaroos in Wisconsin (1978)
out-of-place animal |
location: Pewaukee |

In 1978, Wisconsin gained a new complexity in the form of a renegade marsupial from the Outback. Some folks scoffed at the notion of kangaroos on the loose in the Midwest. Others scratched their chins and surmised that these hopping rodents could possibly be escapees from a local circus. A grainy photo was produced. Hoaxers added fuel to the fire with concocted "roo" sightings. The furor eventually died down when no hard evidence emerged. That all changes 27 years later, when a male kangaroo is captured near Dodgeville (Iowa County), followed later in the year by an incident in Juneau County, where a man kills a young kangaroo (some say a wallaby) in his own driveway.
GM Today
Journal Sentinel Online
article "This time, prankster dodges kanga rap" or (here)
Dark Stories
CBS News Official Site (photo certainly not from 1978) www.cbsnews.com
book: "The W-Files" by Jay Rath
Trails Books (1997) pages 18 - 22 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
"Weird Wisconsin" by Linda S. Godfrey & Richard D. Hendricks Barnes & Noble Books (2005) pages 12 - 15 buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
Delafield UFO Sightings
location: Delafield |
"It sat there, hovering for about three minutes. Then it started to sway back and forth, faster and faster. We got kinda scared of what it was going to do, so we started to drive away."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 10-15-01 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
Brookfield Thunderbird (1988)
creature |
location: Brookfield |
Giant, pterodactyl-type birds were observed soaring in and out of the clouds above Elmbrook Memorial Hospital. The thunderbird has also been described as more hawk-like in appearance.
(hospital address): 19333 W North Ave.
Brookfield, WI 53045
Weird Wisconsin
The Cryptid Zoo
Pterodactyls Over Wisconsin!
book: "Weird Wisconsin" by Linda S. Godfrey & Richard D. Hendricks Barnes & Noble Books (2005) pages 108 - 109 buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
Waukesha UFO Sightings
location: Waukesha |
"The whole bottom was illuminated with red and blue lights...that's how I could tell the shape. The lights weren't individual bulbs but more like florescent tubes..."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 08-13-93 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
3 Reports of Same Mukwonago UFO Sighting (2003)
location: Mukwonago |
"When I first saw it, I thought it was an asteroid and told everyone to get out of the way because it looked like it was heading right to us."
- section from UFO Wisconsin report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
"Ghostly sounds have been heard at night. May have been built over an old Indian Burial Mound by the US Army."
- section from The Shadowlands website |
The buildings on this ex-missile control site (Site M 86) are used as the offices for the park. The barracks are now a storage shed for mowers and other grounds equipment. Ooh, spooky.
Menomonee Park
near intersections of Menomonee Ave. & Lannon Road ( County Road Y)
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
Waukesha County Park System
Oconomowoc Lake Demon
lake monster |
location: Oconomowoc |
A giant serpent was seen here in the 1890's.
Oconomowoc Lake is directly east of Oconomowoc.
The W-Files
Unexplained Research
Wisconsin Historical Society (scroll down to "Sea Serpents")
book: "The W-Files" by Jay Rath
Trails Books (1997) pages 30 - 31 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
"I braced myself for the impact, expecting to hear a loud boom and see an explosion with a burst of flames, but there was no sound, and I didn't see any flames."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 03-26-03 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
Max Meier's Hartland Inn
ghost |
location: Hartland |
"The Hartland Inn operated as a hotel and restaurant in the early 1900s. Nowadays the rooms upstairs are no longer in use, but the restaurant still is open. One night after closing time in 2002 or 2003, the bussers were folding napkins around table 9 when they heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from the basement. One of them went down to the basement and it was pitch black. She asked everyone else if they had been down there, but no one had. There have also been sightings of a little girl in a Victorian-style sailor outfit in the basement."
- section from The Shadowlands website |
Maybe you'd scream too if you were kept in a dark basement.
110 Cottonwood Ave.
Hartland, WI 53029
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
Shadow State
Tabernacle Cemetery
haunted cemetery |
location: Waukesha |
"People have seen a person standing next to a tree in the cemetery. Also, bright flashes of light have been known to be seen by the fence that surrounds the right side of the cemetery."
- section from The Shadowlands website
From Waukesha, take Highway 18 westward for about 2 miles. Turn north on County Road G (Elmhurst Drive). Turn left on Bryn Drive. Cemetery is on left.
Unexplained Research
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
The Bubbler
Winter Steel
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
book: "The Wisconsin Road Guide to Haunted Locations" by Chad Lewis and Terry Fisk Research Publishing Co. (2004) pages 267 - 257
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
book: "Ghostly Tales of Wisconsin" by Ryan Jacobson
Adventure Publications, Inc. (2009)
page 90
buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
Muskego UFO Sightings
location: Muskego |
"Well, within a few seconds there appeared a second object, and then a third and a forth. They were all flying in counter clockwise circles stacked over the same airspace separated by altitude."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 04-13-02 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
The "Son Tree"
ghost |
mystery? |
location: Waukesha |
"Then one day his dad's rage escalated to out of control. With a knife and many stabs the drunken father murdered his son. That same night his father buried his son under a tree in the yard quickly sobered by his actions. Days passed and guilt set in, the emotion magnified by excessive alcohol consumption and the man began to cut down the tree and create a figure out of metal pieces...To this day the 'son tree' is still there in all it's glory. It is said that the father and the son's spirits remain as well; the father's in agony and the son's as a reminder of what was done."
- section from The W-Files report |
University of Wisconsin-Waukesha
1500 N. University Drive
Waukesha, WI 53188
The W-Files
www.w-files.com |
Waukesha South High School
haunted |
location: Waukesha |
Reports of paranormal activity include a column of darkness that follows students. Most of the incidents have taken place within the school theatre where a student had allegedly committed suicide.
401 E Roberta Ave.
Waukesha, WI 53186
Unexplained Research
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
Waukesha Freeman
article "The ghastly past of Waukesha South High School" or (here)
Voodoo Drums
1. voodoodrums.blogspot.com 2. voodoodrums.blogspot.com
"We also looked up and saw a huge, oval-shaped, silver craft that was the size of a football field just hovering silently over the shopping center. There appeared to be small windows encircling the outside of the UFO."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 1978 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
The ghosts of two former members of the theatre, including an actor known as Pinky, have been observed on numerous occasions.
800 N. Elm Grove Road
Elm Grove, WI 53122
Official Site
1. www.sunsetplayhouse.com
Elm Grove Now
article "The ghosts of Elm Grove" or (here)
Journal Sentinel Online
article "Stirring up the ghosts" or (here)
Heaven City Restaurant
ghost |
location: Mukwonago |
"This restaurant sits on an Indian Burial Ground. The employees said that they saw glasses crashing to the ground after hours. They saw ghostly mages wandering through the restaurant. One time a young boy went upstairs and said he didn't believe in ghosts and he broke both of his legs."
- section from The Shadowlands website
S91 W27850 National Ave.
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Official Site
Journal Sentinel Online
article "Stirring up the ghosts" or (here)
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
"I was totally amazed to have two in my field of vision at the same time, since viewing through binoculars greatly restricts your field of vision. A third High Mover (UFO) streaked past both of them. Wow! I've never seen three in the sky at once..."
- section from Weird Wisconsin report |
UFO Wisconsin
Weird Wisconsin
(corresponds with UFO Wisconsin 04-25-97 sighting)
"It has been said that a while ago, a man got run over when the streets were first being settled. The man has been seen walking near shops, and he has also been seen wandering around North Middle School, and the schools' properties around the Menomonee Falls area. The man is tall with darker features, and has a long beard. From time to time, people say at night you can hear the man murmuring as he walks around Main Street, and he has also been known to screw around with the Main Street clock. Rumor has it that the man was also involved with the burning down of a bar several years ago right along Main Street."
- section from The Shadowlands website |
"Well, so this is what I've been relegated to in the afterlife: making sure that clock doesn't keep proper time."
Main Street (Highway 74) runs through the center of Menomonee Falls
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
Eagle UFO Sightings
location: Eagle |
"They would grow bright then fade and grow bright again as if they were energizing their craft from the power lines."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 1972 report
UFO Wisconsin
book: "Wisconsin Curiosities" by Michael Feldman and Diana Cook
Globe Pequot Press
(2nd ed., 2004) page 109
(3rd ed., 2009) page 110 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
Ghost of Old Woman on Blackhawk Trail (1996)
ghost |
location: Waukesha |
"I happened to look up and into the kitchen which was the very next room and standing about 10 feet from me was the sillohouette (sic) of an elderly woman looking straight at me (just got the chills!)"
- section from The W-Files report |
The W-Files
www.w-files.com |
Vernon UFO Sightings
location: township of vernon |
"When I saw this object it was about a football field or two away from the cloud cover."
- section from UFO Wisconsin June 2003 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
A teenage girl in the 1800's becomes something of a human Ouija Board, both entertaining and frightening guests.
book: "Weird Wisconsin" by Linda S. Godfrey & Richard D. Hendricks Barnes & Noble Books (2005) pages 43 - 44 buy it at Barnes & Noble.com |
Lisbon UFO Sightings
location: township of lisbon |
"The objects themselves were not triangle shaped but the three we 'hovering' in a triangle shape."
- section from UFO Wisconsin May 1979 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
Green Monster of Pewaukee Lake
lake monster |
location: Pewaukee |
The creature was seen frequently in Pewaukee Lake during the 1890's, spouting water as it moved.
Pewaukee Lake is directly west of Pewaukee.
The W-Files
Unexplained Research
Wisconsin Historical Society (scroll down to "Sea Serpents")
book: "The W-Files" by Jay Rath
Trails Books (1997) page 31 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
book: "Weird Wisconsin" by Linda S. Godfrey & Richard D. Hendricks Barnes & Noble Books (2005) page 117 buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
The Curse of Rainbow Springs Resort
ghost? |
curse |
location: Mukwonago |
"...in 1976, Francis Schroedel died at the age of 67. He had many friends and still does to this day. They agree that he tried to get the money to open the resort right to the last day. 'But he put a curse on it,' Sasso said. 'His words were, "If I can't open it, no one will." ' "
- section from The W-Files report |
(5 miles west of Mukwonago)
S103W33599 County Road LO
Mukwonago, WI 53149
The W-Files
UFO2U From U
Mr. Z's
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
Pewaukee UFO Sightings
location: Pewaukee |
"It was silver with round different colored lights going around the perimeter of the ship and they were blinking or alternating on and off. They were bright like Christmas tree lights...The saucer had a rounded peak at the top."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 1973 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
"Footsteps in the Dark"
haunted |
location: Pewaukee |
An octagon-shaped house is home to the sound of mysterious footsteps which occur at a regular time each and every night.
on High Street
book: "Haunted Wisconsin" by Michael Norman & Beth Scott
Trails Books (revised 2001)
pages 135 - 136
buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com |
"In the year of 2003, it was told that an old man was out fishing on his boat at about sunset one evening, and it was thought that he either had a heart attack or it was something else, but he had fallen over the side of his fishing boat. It is said that he still haunts that lake every evening at sunset."
- section from The Shadowlands website |
2003? That's pretty recent for a ghost story, but I guess some folks don't waste any time after their death.
Highway 67 splits up Lac La Belle on the west and Fowler Lake on the east in Oconomowoc
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
Grave of Little Lord Fauntleroy
grave |
local mystery |
location: Waukesha |
The body of a well-dressed boy was found in 1921, leaving no clue to where he came from and how he met his dreadful end in the waters of an old quarry.
Prairie Home Cemetery
605 S Prairie Ave. Waukesha, WI 53186
Funeral Wire
book: "Weird Wisconsin" by Linda S. Godfrey & Richard D. Hendricks Barnes & Noble Books (2005) page 248 buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
"The object remained stationary and as I approached the definite V-shape became very clear. the object had 4 or 5 white lights on each arm of the V, totalling (sic) 8 or 10 lights in all."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 09-22-98 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
Crop Circles in 1987
crop circles |
location: Mukwonago |
"A 60’ dia. circle discovered by a pilot flying over a large swamp. The circle was located near the edge of the swamp and nearly devoid of plants. It was noted at the time to be in close proximity to a microwave tower."
- Crop Circle News |
Crop Circle News
www.cropcirclenews.com |
Dousman UFO Sightings
location: Dousman |
"Next, the noise got quieter and quieter until you couldn't hear anything. Then it froze. All three of the lights got close together until it almost looked like one light. Then the front light flashed twice, it flew up for a couple seconds and just vanished."
- section from UFO Wisconsin 11-25-03 report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
ROSSLYNNE MANSE at St. Johns Military Academy

haunted |
location: Delafield |
"Located on land that now serves as a parade field at the St. John's Military Academy near Delafield, Wisconsin, the home known as "Rosslynne Manse" once stood as a spooky and foreboding reminder of a family who once lived there... and tales of spirits who haunted the house."
- section from the Prairie Ghosts website |
From Delafield on Highway C, turn left (north) at the stop sign onto Genesee Street. Go about ¾ mile through Delafield. The Academy is located on the left (west) side at the top of the hill. Turn left onto St. John's Road. The next left is Farrand Lane, where there is angle parking.
1101 Genesee St.
Delafield, WI 53018
The W-Files
Prairie Ghosts
St. John's Military Academy Official Site
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
book: "Haunted Heartland" by Beth Scott & Michael Norman
Warner Books (1985)
chapter: "The Spirit of Rosslynne Manse" buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
book: "Ghostly Tales of Wisconsin" by Ryan Jacobson
Adventure Publications, Inc. (2009)
pages 31 - 32
buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
La Belle Cemetery
haunted cemetery |
location: Oconomowoc |
No single graveyard monument in Wisconsin stirs up as much interest as the Nathusius family marker. Paranormal incidents have been reported that revolve around the statue of a young woman that stands before the large cross. Some say they have witnessed her walk away from the grave in the direction of a nearby lake, where it is rumored that one of the Nathusius family members drowned. At times, blood can be seen running from her eyes and hands, but when inspected, the statue is always dry to the touch.
From Highway 16 in Oconomowoc, take North Fowler St northward, then turn right onto N Oakwood Avenue. Turn right onto East Grove Lane and into the cemetery.
Unexplained Research
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
The Bubbler Ghost Hunt at La Belle (forum) www.thebubbler.com
book: "Weird Wisconsin" by Linda S. Godfrey & Richard D. Hendricks Barnes & Noble Books (2005) page 262 buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
book: "The Wisconsin Road Guide to Haunted Locations" by Chad Lewis and Terry Fisk Research Publishing Co. (2004) pages 238 - 240
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
book: "Milwaukee Ghosts" by Sherry Strub
Schiffer Pub. Ltd. (2008)
pages 49 - 51 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
Grace Lutheran Church & Elementary School
ghosts |
urban legend |
location: Menomonee Falls |
The ghosts of murdered children allegedly have been seen sitting at desks.
N87W16171 Kenwood Blvd.
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Unexplained Research
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
Orange Lights Over Stonebank (2002)
location: Stonebank |
"They were in a dice type formation. Then the top 2 lights flipped position, stopped, and all 5 moved North, out of sight."
- section from UFO Wisconsin report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
Harvey the Hill Street Ghost at Millevolte Recording Studio
ghost |
location: Hartland |
A ghost makes himself known in the studio that is adjacent to the cemetery.
Weird Wisconsin
The W-Files
book: "Weird Wisconsin" by Linda S. Godfrey & Richard D. Hendricks Barnes & Noble Books (2005) page 238 buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
Hartland UFO Sightings
location: Hartland |
"About a minute later, another similar light appeared from the west, followed by a third, then a fourth, and finally a fifth light. No sounds."
- section from UFO Wisconsin report
UFO Wisconsin
www.ufowisconsin.com |
Whittier Elementary School
ghost |
location: Waukesha |
"At this school sightings have been seen clocks stop and odors in libraries and classrooms swing open and water fountains spray water onto the floor. People have seen a little girl about 8 years old who had a heart attack in the girls bathroom in 1991, a 12 year old boy who drowned in freezing water in 2001, and a boy who was about 10 years old when he got hit by car when running out into the street to get his ball! Lots of spooky things happen at this school."
- section from The Shadowlands website
1103 S. East Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53186
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
UFO Over Elm Grove (1980)
location: Elm Grove |
"She told police she saw a bright yellowish, orange-white object flashing and sparking in the western sky."
- section from UFO Wisconsin report
UFO Wisconsin (mistakenly listed as being in Pierce County)
www.ufowisconsin.com |
Nashotah House and the "Black Monk" Ghost
haunted |
location: Nashotah |

The Black Monk ghost is reported to be the spirit of young monk Daniel Pope, who was buried in unconsecrated ground after his death was incorrectly branded as a suicide.
"The grounds of this Episcopal seminary have been inhabited since the 1500s, and have been inhabited by a ghost since the mid-1700s. When an acolyte to the Episcopal priesthood attended this seminary, his wife had an affair with the Dean. To accommodate this affair, the woman hanged her husband; it was ruled a suicide, however. Since committing suicide is a mortal sin, the acolyte was buried in a cornfield rather than the cemetery. On her deathbed, the cheating wife confessed to her crime. The seminary wished to rightfully bury the body, so they exhumed the casket only to find that it was empty. It is said that the acolyte still haunts the grounds trying to get justice."
- section from the Shadowlands report
2777 Mission Rd.
Nashotah, WI 53058
Dread Central
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Journal Sentinel Online
article "Nashotah Farms shows its spirit" or (here)
Official Seminary Site (no ghost mentioned) www.nashotah.edu
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
book: "Strange Wisconsin" by Linda S. Godfrey
Trails Books (2007)
pages 106 - 107 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
book: "Milwaukee Ghosts" by Sherry Strub
Schiffer Pub. Ltd. (2008)
pages 127 - 129 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
Bigfoot Spotted by Two Boys (2006)
bigfoot |
location: Merton |
" 'We saw just a hairy monster on the corner of the woods. I saw it leaning on a tree.' "
- section from WCSH story
BFRO - Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
Wisconsin Bigfoot
Bigfoot Encounters
Waukesha Area Chamber of Commerce
haunted |
location: Waukesha |
"It is an old colonial house on Wisconsin Ave. that used to be a house but is now transformed into an office. After work hours you can hear talking between people upstairs and downstairs. You also hear people walking up and down the staircases. During the day time many employees have lost belongings and weeks later find these belongings where they had left them before."
- section from The Shadowlands website
223 Wisconsin Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53186
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
Sasquatch-like Activity in Menomonee Falls
(1996 - 1997)
bigfoot |
location: Menomonee Falls |
"...well my son woke me up and said something strange was looking at him, he was really frightned, so he slept next to me on the floor. Well I was on this website and I showed my son one of your pictures, and he said that is what he saw."
- section from BFRO report
BFRO - Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
www.bfro.net |
Dousing Stagecoach Inn aka Dousman Dunkel Behling Inn
ghost |
location: Brookfield |
"It’s an old house that ages back to the civil war. Very powerful negative feelings occur by the guest house and smithy shop. One of the doors in the window has been reported to slam with nobody present. a Dark figure walks back and forth upstairs while looking in the front door windows. The Figure sometimes rushes people and impacts them with such great force they will fly backwards off the porch. Nobody really knows too much about the history of the house."
- section from The Shadowlands website |
"Nobody really knows too much about the history of the house."? Isn't the historical society housed there?
1075 Pilgrim Parkway
Brookfield, WI 53005
Elmbrook Historical Society (no mention of ghost) www.elmbrookhistoricalsociety.org
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
book: "Milwaukee Ghosts" by Sherry Strub
Schiffer Pub. Ltd. (2008)
pages 35 - 36 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
"Ghosts of America" Haunted Location Reports
(take with a grain of salt)
ghosts |
location: statewide |
The reports on this site are presumably fiction, using random Wisconsin place names in the stories listed there. Even so, you might get a kick out of reading them.
"The ghost of a civil war soldier was noticed burrowing a hollow beneath a lamppost in Wales. There are further reports involving this ghost in the area."
- section from Ghosts of America website
Ghosts of America
www.ghostsofamerica.com |
In the book "Milwaukee Ghosts", author Sherry Strub tells of an elderly man who never left his farm. Not even after his death.
book: "Milwaukee Ghosts" by Sherry Strub
Schiffer Pub. Ltd. (2008)
pages 81 - 83 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com |
Fork in the Road Pub
formerly "Inn The Olden Days Restaurant and Pub"
haunted |
location: Mukwonago |
"It is a restaurant that used to be a tavern. Employees have heard foot steps, and the sound of pool balls hitting and rolling across the floor. Also, in the storerooms, there have been clouds of fog seen and voices heard."
- section from The Shadowlands website |
Hmmmmm. You'd better check up on your high-school-age workers and see where the "clouds" are coming from.
215 N Rochester St.
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Journal Sentinel Online
article "Stirring up the ghosts" or (here)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
book: "Milwaukee Ghosts" by Sherry Strub
Schiffer Pub. Ltd. (2008)
pages 119 - 120 buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com
"There has been rumors that a young boy hung himself in the lower gym and has been haunting the gym for years on Halloween."
- section from The Shadowlands website |
Only on Halloween? Convenient...
641 E Forest St.
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
The Shadowlands
(site now offline)
Wisconsin Paranormal Investigation Team (WIX) www.hauntedwi.com
"The Hille Curse"
curse |
location: Waukesha |
An elderly ghost often comes to the back door of the very farmhouse where he committed suicide, one of a series of tragic events that plagued this home over a century ago.
6 miles southwest of Waukesha
book: "Haunted Wisconsin" by Michael Norman & Beth Scott
Trails Books (revised 2001)
pages 137 - 144
buy it at
buy it at Barnes & Noble.com |